COERR Mae Sot Organized Child Protection Referral System Training for Youth Awareness

   COERR Mae Sot organized Child Protection Referral System Training for youth awareness and participation, in Ban Nupho Temporary Shelter, Tak Province’s Umphang District, for 20 youth of 14 females and 6 males.

   The aims of the program was to convince youth of child rights, child protection referral System and their participation in observation and reporting about child abuse incident.

   The contents of the training consisted of child rights; child protection which was the responsibility of everyone to report the incident and raise the children’s awareness about their role of safeguarding and keeping themselves and others safe.

   There was also a survey about children’s attitude towards situation and problems they were facing in order to learn which behavior was acceptable or unacceptable at all, as it might be wrong or harmful.

   How can we observe and identify a child that was being harmed or exploited or abused. How can we identify the perpetrator.

   Then participants made a survey and identify problems and situation which their community was facing, and learned to ask for assistance from the Non-Governmental Organizations, Community-based Organizations or Camp Committee involved in the child protection referral system.

   Such cases were as follows: case of a child who did not go to school as the child was told by mother to take care of the younger brothers/sisters. In another case, a friend was told to leave the Temporary Shelter to work and send money to pay mother’debt otherwise the loan shark would harm mother, etc.